Write Your Book In 90 Days


So Why Haven't You Written That Book Yet?

The biggest misconceptions that people use as excuses.

1) "I don't have the time."

You don’t need to hide in a cabin in the woods for a year to write a book.
All you need is 45 minutes per day. You can manage that, right?

2) "I'm not a great writer."

You don’t have to be a great writer to write a great book.
I’ll show you some simple strategies you can use to articulate the wisdom of your soul in a clear, engaging way.
If you're already a good writer or you've written a book, this will take you to the next level.

3) "I have other priorities."

If you were to be given 6 months to live, wouldn’t you want to leave a book here on Earth?
Here’s a little secret too...
You don’t have to sacrifice anything to write a book.
And I’ll show you how you can use a book to feed everything else in your life.

4) "It's too overwhelming."

Writing a book is only overwhelming if you don’t have a clear path forward.

Introducing: Divine Write

90 day program with all of the resources you need to write your book.This is not a bland, cookie cutter system. You can have fun doing it, and approach the process in a way where it will build dozens of others skills at once and help you grow as a person.

What Makes This Different?

Divine Write is NOT just cheap tricks and tactics regurgitated to you.
It's a spiritual rite of passage.

Not only will you write a book. You will also address the CORE BLOCKS you have around writing and long-term projects (and how they relate to other areas of your life). There are guided writing sessions, meditations, and practical exercises to help you with this.

You will learn how to...

  • Write from the heart

  • Articulate the wisdom of your soul

  • Overcome overwhelm

  • Heal your inner critic

  • Stop being so damn in your head

...and that's on top of learning how to write a book and upgrade your writing ability.

12 Week Journey (Sneak Peek)

  • Week 1: Refine your book idea and outline

  • Week 2: Establish your writing habit

  • Week 3: Learn the keys to great writing

  • Week 4: Take your writing to the next level

  • Week 5: Never get stuck again with your writing

  • Week 6: Access flow state to write better (and more)

  • Week 7: Learn the 4 lenses of editing your book

  • Week 8: Find out the best ways to publish a book in 2024 and beyond

  • Week 9: Activate authentic, heart-centered marketing

  • Week 10: Learn how to build a loyal tribe of readers

  • Week 11: Put together a simple launch plan you’ll follow through with

  • Week 12: Learn how to use your book to build a brand


Divine Write Workbook

A workbook to accompany the whole Divine Write program

Metaphysics of Copywriting Workbook

8 Deep Principles to Write in a Way That Engages & Inspires

Life Purpose Audit Worksheet

Practice to gain clarity around your life purpose

High Vibe Wordbank

Database of unique, positive words that you can infuse into your writing

Book Description Formula

A proven template to write a captivating book description

Writing Prompt Master List

List of 50+ prompts to help inspire your writing

Summary Of Everything You Get

  • Membership portal with 12 weekly modules

  • Guided writing sessions (to help you get into flow state)

  • Guided meditations to help you refine your ideas and write better

  • Bonus #1: Divine Write Workbook

  • Bonus #2: Metaphysics of Copywriting Workbook

  • Bonus #3: High Vibe Wordbank

  • Bonus #4: Life Purpose Audit

  • Bonus #5: Book Description Formula

  • Bonus #6: Writing Prompt Master List

These 90 Days Just Might Change Your Life...

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?Divine Write is for spiritually-inclined leaders. I would consider anyone who has a deep calling to positively change the world a spiritually-inclined leader.Your book does not have to be specifically about spirituality. Just know that we will be leveraging meditation and other spiritual practices during this program.Do I need to be a good writer already?No, you don't have to be a good writer already. As long as you commit to 45 minutes per day and follow some simple guidelines, you'll be able to write your book.Are you going to publish my book?No, I am not a publisher. However, you will receive all of the guidance and resources you need to publish your book in the best way for you.Can I join if I already wrote a book?If you already wrote a book, Divine Write will help you take your writing to the next level and write your next book.Do I have to be writing a book?The great thing about this structure is that — while it's focused on books — you can apply it to any long-form project that involves writing (oracle decks, newsletter series, essays, etc).Are there refunds?Since this has some exclusive, life-changing content, there are no refunds. I want people who commit fully and stand by their decisions.Is it worth it?I’ve co-organized in person mastermind groups for 4 days for $10,000 per person. This is a much more in depth program, for less than 1/40 the price!How much time is required?45 minutes per day to write your book. No matter how busy you are, you can make this happen if you prioritize it.How do I join?Register through the button below.

10 Reasons To Write A Book

  1. Builds authority and expertise like nothing else

  2. Creates a legacy

  3. A book is THE BEST business card (think about it)

  4. A book is also the best resume item

  5. You get to share your wisdom

  6. It’s a revenue stream

  7. It leads people to other offerings you have

  8. Builds so many skills at once (writing, healthy habits, focus, attention span, intuition, flow state, self-confidence, self-awareness, etc)

  9. Helps people on a deep level

  10. Contributes to the New Earth creator economy

Books I've Helped Bring To Fruition

© Stephen Parato. All rights reserved.